2020-1 타보험 가입자 환불 신청 (2차) Policy for refund of other insurance subscribers
작성자 :외국인지원팀(ISSS)
작성일 :20-04-02 13:44/조회수 :2,518
경희대학교는 교육부의 정책에 따라 외국인 유학생에 대한 의료보험 가입을 의무화하고 있으며, 등록금 납부 시에 의료보험료를 함께 납부하도록 하고 있습니다.
경희대에 재학하는 외국인 유학생(휴학생X) 중 다른 보험에 이미 가입한 학생은 학교 단체 보험료를 전액 환불해드립니다.
(의료보험(학교의료보험 또는 타보험)에 가입되어 있지 않은 학생은 교내 장학금 및 프로그램 신청을 하실 수 없습니다.)
※학교보험외 타보험 가입자만 해당됩니다.
Kyung Hee University requires international students to sign up for medical insurance under the policy of the Ministry of Education and requires them to pay the medical insurance fee when they pay tuition. International students who already have insurance will be fully refunded their group insurance fee.
(Students who are not covered by medical insurance (school medical insurance or other insurance) cannot apply for scholarships and programs on campus.)
Refund request: 2020.04.02 (Thursday)~2020.04.10 (Friday) ~17:00
1) Copies of other insurance certificates(In the case of national health insurance, certification of acquisition of eligibility)
Insurance should cover the actual damage incurred. Also, the guarantee details should be included.
2) Copies of bankbook (to be refunded)
3) Copies of the alien registration card (front only)
4) Student number and phone number
●Submission location - Visit Division of International Students and Scholar Services on the first floor of Cheongwoon-gwan
- submit a scanned to globalcenter@khu.ac.kr (do not accept it if it is not a scanned document nor correct document)
※ How to issue a 'certification of acquisition of eligibility' for national health insurance subscribers
- Log in with accredited certificate on the National Health Insurance website > 민원신청 > 개인민원 > 나의 민원 보기 > 자격 > Issuing a certification of acquisition of eligibility