2021-2 삼성꿈장학재단 신규 글로벌 희망장학생을 다음과 같이 선발을 하오니 신청을 원하는 학생은 아래를 참고하여 필요한 서류를 외국인지원팀으로 제출해 주시기 바랍니다.
1. 지원자격
1) DAC 수원국 명단에 있는 개발도상국 출신자(첨부파일 참조)
※교포는 선발에서 제외
2) 가정 경제상황이 어려운 자
3) 학업수학능력(언어, 성적)이 우수한 자
4) 졸업 후 본국으로 돌아가 고국에 기여할 의지, 잠재력이 있는 자
5) 차세대 글로벌 리더로서의 자질과 성장 가능성을 가진 자
6. 선발 일정
1) 서류 심사: 2021.8.2(월) ~ 2021.8.6(금)
2) 면담 심사 : 2021. 8. 27(금) ~ 8. 31(화), 논술과 면접심사 진행
3) 결과발표 및 장학금 지급 : 2021. 9월 초
*1차 서류심사 후, 2차 면담심사는 재단 측에서 8월 중에 대상 학생들에게 개별 통보할 예정임.
2021-2 Samsung Global Hope Scholarship Foundation will select new global scholarship students as follows, so please refer to the below and submit the required documents to I.S.S.S. office.
1. Eligibility
1) Those from developing countries on the list of DAC countries (refer to the attached file)
※ Overseas korean are excluded from the selection
2) A person who has financial difficulty
3) A person with excellent academic ability (both language and grades)
4) Those who have the will and potential to contribute to their home country after graduation
5) A person who has the qualifications and potential to grow as a next-generation global leader
2. Application period for scholarships: ~2021.7.16(Fri) 15:00(Before the office closes)
3. Required documents: Application form (attached file)- English or Korean
※In the application form, all documents stated in the self-checklist must be submitted as original. If not possible, a copy of the original should be submitted with a seal affixed by the university where the applicant is enrolled in.
4. Where to submit : I.S.S.S. office / 02-961-9286 / Chengwoon building 1st floor
5. Support
1) Full tuition fee
2) Academic subsidies per semester (dormitory expenses, medical insurance expenses, teaching materials, food expenses, etc.)
6. Schedule
1) Document screening: 2021.8.2(Mon) ~ 2021.8.6(Fri)
2) Interview: 2021. 8. 27(Fri) ~ 8. 31(Tue), Essay test and interview
3) Result announcement : 2021. 9
*The interview schedule will be notified individually to the students who passede the document screening in August.